The CoreScore

How do you calculate the CoreScore?

Please sneakers trainers in the UK the explanation of the CoreScore.

Do you favor shoes with more reviews?

Yes and no. To avoid that a new shoe with 3 user reviews of 5 stars and 1 expert review of 95 does not make it as number one best shoe, we make some adjustments for shoes with 50 or fewer user ratings and/or 3 or less expert reviews. Learn more in I love shoe name, but it only got 74. Why. This means that less popular shoes should have even greater reviews to be part of the top-rated shoes.

Last week [shoe name] had a score of 87, now it has 81. What happened?

It happens that we have updated the CoreScore algorithm, which will affect some shoes. In addition, if you were looking for a shoe with only a few reviews, more less positive ones might have been added by other athletes.

I love [shoe name], but it only got 74. Why?

The CoreScore is not the answer to everything and should be treated with a grain of salt. Your feet are unique, and some shoes fit you well, while others might dislike that fit or functionality.

I read your review of [shoe name] by [expert name] and I think it deserves a 90, but you gave it 76. Why?

Each expert review is read by three people at CerbeShops who each independently gives a rating. We use the average of those ratings. If you think a score is not rightfully put, please let us know at [email protected] so that we can improve.

How do you calculate the CoreScore?

User ratings are updated live. This means that if you add a user rating now, it will appear instantly. Expert reviews are updated ~once a month.

Are scores calculated differently for each category?

All categories - running (road, trail), hiking (shoes, boots, sandals), training (workout, weightlifting, CrossFit, walking), football and basketball - have both user ratings and expert reviews to determine the CoreScores. The only exception is sneakers (trainers in the UK) that use only user ratings as these products are less technical than traditional athletic footwear. 

How do you determine what shoes to include at https://cerbe.com?

All athletic shoes/brands that are on the market are welcome at https://cerbe.com. Send us an email at [email protected] if you think any shoes are missing.


I am an expert, why are my reviews not at CerbeShops?

Please email us at [email protected]. We would like to add all expert reviews available.

I'm the expert on [site name]. How do I change the scores that you have attributed to my reviews?

Please email us at [email protected] with links to the shoes you have reviewed and note what score you would like to give the shoe.

I know of a good expert review, but it is not at https://cerbe.com. Why?

We might not have discovered the source. Please email us at [email protected]


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