I’m in my mid-40’s and was recently diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I’ve been a runner for the past 12 years, completing three marathons and numerous half-marathons. I would love to keep running, but I've read some advice on the internet suggesting that low-impact activities are preferable for RA sufferers. Also, in the past six to eight months, I’ve definitely noticed more aches and pains in my feet and ankles than I have had in the past. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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This is a tough condition for a runner. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), unlike osteoarthritis, is a true inflammatory condition that destroys joint tissue. The general recommendations, which were once to avoid all impact-loading activities, seem to be changing a bit. The key is finding out which joints are affected by the arthritis and then determining whether you have pain in your weight bearing joints during or after running. My general advice is “if it hurts, don’t do it.” This is probably true for all of us, even though there are some aches from training that all of us feel. But other than those aches, you need to pay attention to pains in your feet, ankles, knees, and hips because they may signal a flair in your arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis also waxes and wanes, so when you are in remission and have no pain, running and other exercises increase your strength and endurance, potentially better protecting your joints when you flair.

If you find running too traumatic for your joints, other lower-impact sports may work for you. Biking, kayaking, skating, Nordic skiing, rowing, snowshoeing, or walking (with poles) are good options. Strength exercises will also improve your muscle function and help maintain your functional abilities. It would also be important to maintain good bone health by insuring an adequate calcium intake and checking your vitamin D level. Those of us who live in northern states often need some extra vitamin D to maintain a normal level.

Finally, it is essential for you to discuss your exercise and fitness plans with your physician. The advances in medical therapy using disease modifying agents for rheumatoid arthritis make the prognosis better and seem to improve outcomes for those stricken with the disease. Running, even at long distances, is possible for some, but it may not be right for all. Running shorter distances may also extend your career on the roads. Fitness running can be accomplished in 30-40 minutes three to four times a week, and this may be the “best” as a compromise in joint changes and heart protection. It is important to listen to your body and be flexible with your fitness plan to accommodate the ups and downs of the disease.

I hope this helps.



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