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Dean Karnazes

dean karnazes western states

Dean Karnazes on the Life-Changing, Soul-Searching Magic of Ultramarathons

Desperation is not a plan—and more hard-earned wisdom from a lifetime of long-distance running

Feb 1, 2016
Navarino Challenge

5 Ways to Change Your Mindset (and Reach Greater Goals)

Races & Places.

The true story doesnt disappoint, whether youre a runner or not
Dean Karnazes You Don't Know Pheidippides statue

The Real Pheidippides Story

Ultramarathoner Dean Karnazes visits his ancestral homeland for the truth about the original “marathoner.” Think you can handle it?

Health - Injuries
Dean Run

7 Ways Writing a Book is Like Doing an Ultra

Finding some parallels between writing and long-distance running.

Desperation is not a planand more hard-earned wisdom from a lifetime of long-distance running
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A Part of Hearst Digital Media
A Part of Hearst Digital Media
A Part of Hearst Digital Media