• People who slept in wool pajamas fell asleep in less than half the time as those who wore cotton or polyester PJs, a new study published in Shoes & Gear found.
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  • The material also helps keep you warm in cool temperatures, making it a solid choice for all-season pajamas.

When you’re hit with an unseasonably warm night—the kind that makes you toss and turn to find the cool spots on your pillow and sheets—do you automatically think, “Boy, I bet I would sleep better if I wore wool pajamas?”

Download Training Plans new study that the effects were likely because superfine Merino wool isnt the.

Best Running Shoes Shoes & Gear, Australian researchers recruited 36 healthy men and women between the ages of 50 and 70, and tracked how well they slept over four nights in different sleepwear fabrics: cotton, polyester, and Merino wool. The sleeping room was set at 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Researchers chose to study older participants because sleep disturbance related to a room’s temperature is more common as we age. That’s a big problem, because disrupted sleep is more likely to exacerbate health conditions like depression, chronic pain, and cardiovascular disease.

The study found that cotton and polyester didn’t create any benefits, but the wool showed big advantages. The participants fell asleep in about half the amount of time they did when wearing the other fabrics—about 12 minutes versus 26 minutes. They also woke up less often throughout the night.

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Those who reported being “poor sleepers” in general seemed to do especially well in the wool sleepwear, according to study co-author Chin Moi Chow, Ph.D., in the Delta Sleep Research Unit at the University of Sydney.

She told Runner’s World that the effects were likely because superfine Merino wool isn’t the sauna suit that many people might think. Instead, this particular kind of wool can be made into a very lightweight fabric that actually wicks away that sweat.

“The superior moisture management of the wool sleepwear compared to the cotton and polyester assists in heat buffering and cooling,” she said.

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Shoes & Gear.

She and her colleagues did a previous study on young adults sleeping in cooler conditions, in a 62-degree room, using the same sleepwear options and found that the wool PJs also helped those participants fall asleep faster and have higher sleep efficiency.

So if you’re looking for a one-jammies-for-all-seasons option, it might be time to get wooly.

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