Shaun Botterill/Getty Images, Ajee’ Wilson has been touted as a phenom who appeared destined for greatness, and the 23-year-old New Jersey native made good on her talent on Sunday at the world championships in London, taking a superb bronze medal in the women’s 800-meters.

Her time of 1:56.65 was the quickest ever run by an American at the world championships, and brought her home just behind gold medalist Caster Semenya of South Africa (1:55.16) and runner-up Francine Niyonsaba of Burundi (1:55.92).

“I was ready to fight, attack the top three and see what happens,” Wilson said.

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Before the race her coach had told her to get out fast, but not to get drawn into a battle for the lead.

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That’s exactly what Wilson, a world junior champion in 2012, did, shooting to the front on the first turn but conceding the lead when Niyonsaba powered by approaching the 200-meter mark.

Wilson drafted behind Niyonsaba as she passed 400 meters in a swift 57.98, then powered up to her shoulder with 200 meters remaining. All the while, though, she was waiting for the inevitable attack from Semenya, who was the overwhelming favorite for gold.

“I was ready for the final charge,” Wilson said. “I knew she was coming so it was just a matter of when. Coming off the last turn I saw that the three of us had pulled away so I was just like, hey, go for it.”

Semenya came charging past both Wilson and Niyonsaba in the home stretch, though Wilson fought all the way to the line to ensure a bronze medal, her first at senior level in a global outdoor championship.

“I’m super excited with my performance,” Wilson said. “I couldn’t be happier. I wish I could have gotten gold but that’s what I had today.”

RELATED: Why the Women’s 800 is so Controversial

The race was not without controversy, however. Semenya is believed to have DSD, a disorder of sex development, sometimes called intersex. As a result, her body might produce atypically high (for woman) levels of natural testosterone, which might, in turn, enhance her running performance. 

The sport’s governing body, the International Association of Athletics Federations, had initially reacted to the issue by introducing a rule that no woman be allowed to compete as a woman if she has a testosterone level of 10nmols/liter or more, unless she has a documented testosterone-insensitivity (androgen resistance). But this practice was suspended in 2015 by the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

Since then Semenya has not been beaten over 800 meters, though when asked about losing out to the South African tonight, Wilson did not wish to offer any judgment.

“I want to win, whoever is on the line,” she said. “I train with a 12-year-old girl, I train with 26-year-old guys, so no matter who I’m racing against I’m going to try and catch them, try and beat them. My coach always says that everyone is beatable.”

Shortly after the race, Wilson was overcome with emotion when meeting that coach, Derek Thompson, in the mixed zone, who also guided her teammate and training partner Charlene Lipsey to seventh place in 1:58.73 tonight.

Thompson’s job these past six years to develop Wilson’s extraordinary talent has been an important one, but it’s one he feels honored to have.

“We don’t know how good she can really be, we’re just scratching the surface,” he said. “I’ve had some good ones, but she’s special.”

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Cathal Dennehy
Contributing Writer

Cathal Dennehy is a freelance writer based in Dublin, Ireland, who covers the sport for multiple outlets from Irish newspapers to international track websites. As an athlete, he was Irish junior cross-country champion and twice raced the European Cross Country, but since injury forced his retirement his best athletic feat has been the Irish beer mile record. He’s happiest when he’s running or writing stories about world-class athletes.