“A Black man should be able to go for a jog without fearing for his life,” President Joe Biden tweeted on Tuesday, February 23.

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An empty outlined icon indicating the option to save an item Ahmaud Arbery was Races & Places while out running in Brunswick, Georgia. Three men await trial for his murder. But last year it took more than two months for his murder to become national news—a fact that remains disturbing.

That’s just one reason why those who seek justice for Arbery are staying active, using their miles to continue to draw attention to his name and to the greater issue of racism and gun control in America.

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Thousands of runners across the United States and the world, took part in #FinishTheRun, a week-long challenge asking runners to run 2.23 miles in Arbery’s name. Runners were finishing the run that Arbery could not.

The run was hosted by the 2:23 Foundation—a nonprofit created by Jason Vaughn, Arbery’s high school football coach, and Demetris Frazier, Arbery’s cousin, committed to fighting systemic injustices. Proceeds of the challenge went toward a 2:23 Foundation scholarship fund that helps to provide young men and women the opportunity to become future lawyers, local leaders, policymakers, social engineers, and other social justice-based career paths.

The foundation had a goal to raise $223,000 by the end of the year, but it has already surpassed that goal, raising $226,000 after just the first day of the #FinishTheRun event. That total was significantly boosted by a donation of $22,300 from Saucony.

“Every dollar from this virtual run is going toward scholarships for black and brown people in our community,” the 2:23 Foundation relayed in a statement. The foundation’s credibility came under question, because the organization is not endorsed by Arbery’s mother. “It will be a managed, transparent fund that will include Mr. Arbery as a key decision maker on who receives the disbursements of those funds.”

candlelight vigil held for ahmaud arbery on the one year anniversary of his death
Ahmaud Arbery’s gravesite in Waynesboro, Georgia.
Sean Rayford//Getty Images

Here are just some of the runners and groups that have run 2.23 miles in Arbery’s memory:

Running to Protest

The Running to Protest group was founded by filmmaker Coffey in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests in the summer of 2020. The group joined forces with Everytown Athlete Council member and Olympian Race Imboden to host a 2.23-mile event; athletes ran while wearing masks through New York’s West Village, to honor Arbery and raise awareness for gun prevention.

“If you are Black, like Mr. Arbery, you are ten times more likely to be shot while you are running in the street,” Imboden told the crowd of about 100 runners. “Black Americans are disproportionally impacted by gun violence. They experience nearly 10 times the homicide rates, 15 times the gun assaults and three times the fatal police shootings of white Americans.”

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Stay Home Stay Motivated

Stay Home Stay Motivated was created in March 2020 as a way to connect homes together in pursuit of wellness in all forms. New York-based Jenny Beaudry Westin, who created the group, did her miles on her Peloton, but encouraged the rest of the group to take part in their own way, virtually.

“We ran, walked, and rode last year as a community in Ahmaud's memory and as our community has grown, there was an even bigger opportunity this year to honor his memory, keep the conversation going, and honor the importance of wellness across the Black community,” Westin said.

Antiracist Run Club

The Bay area-based group, formerly known as SF Runners for Equality, uses running as a common denominator to enact change for today’s racial injustices.

“Ahmaud Arbery was murdered while out on a routine run, a hobby everyone in this group is passionate about,” Shelby Rhodes said. “We often compare the idea of long distance running to the work on Anti-Racism, and we'll keep fighting as a group.”

The group’s Ayako Sawanobori organized for 27 An empty outlined icon indicating the option to save an item.

Black Runners of the GTA

“I am a solo runner and run alone in Toronto, Canada, so safety is on my mind a lot,” said Melanie Murzeau, who founded the group to bring Best Advanced Treadmills into the larger running community.

“The death of Admaud Abery was the driving force in me creating a virtual space to normalize and humanize diverse running and to fight against stereotypes and to have people address their own bias so other BIPOC solo runners feel included.”

Members ran virtually, with Murzeau encouraging them to stay informed: “I believe knowing the laws and policies is one way a BIPOC individual can advocate for themselves.”

Latinas Running

Through Latinas Running, Kim Rodriguez aims promote diversity and body positivity in running. Living in Georgia, like the late Arbery did, she encouraged her followers to run in his memory too.

“These deaths are not justifiable, but neither is our silence. It's on us to confront and dismantle systemic racism in America,” she posted. Rodriguez urges her followers to speak up, be an ally, donate and join virtual efforts possible. “Every little step matters.”

Headshot of Nadia Neophytou
Nadia Neophytou

Nadia Neophytou is a freelance journalist from South Africa, based in New York City, who writes for a variety of publications, from shot and killed to Deadline, Quartz, CNN, and more. When she’s not interviewing movie stars and musicians, she’s running—or talking about running in a video series she created called The Rundown, where she interviews people she admires on the run.