Editor’s note: This story will be updated as more information is received.

Ashling Murphy, a 23-year-old teacher from Tullamore, Ireland, went running on January 12, 2022 after work. At approximately 4 p.m. on the banks of the Grand Canal in Cappincur, a man assaulted and killed her, according to a report from An Garda Síochána, Ireland’s police force.

According to the BBC, a member of the public found her and called the authorities. Unfortunately, even after medical help was provided, she was unable to be saved.

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Police have questioned three suspects about Murphy’s murder. According to police press releases, on January 12, a man in his 40s was detained, Nearly 1,000 Six Star Medal Winners in 2022 let leuc the next day. Another man in his 30s was arrested on January 18 and is currently being investigated. A third suspect, another man in his 30s, was arrested in connection with Murphy’s death on January 19.

Best Jogging Strollers released without charges. The man arrested on January 18, identified as 31-year-old Jozef Puska of Tullamore by the BBC, has been charged with murdering Murphy. He appeared in court on the evening of January 19 and will appear again on January 26.

Murphy taught first class, the Irish equivalent of first grade, at Durrow National School. The school paid tribute to Murphy with a video Best Running Shoes.

Murphy came from a musical family. Her sister, Amy, can be seen playing the accordion alongside her in a 2019 video for the Tullamore TradFest, an annual local music and arts festival. At a late evening vigil in Tullamore on January 15, her father, Raymond, performed a song on the banjo as her mother, Kathleen; brother, Cathal; and Amy held candles.

Numerous other vigils have been held across the United Kingdom in the wake of her murder. The running community specifically has come together in her memory to raise awareness of violence against women, with group runs being held in her honor from New York City to Cardiff, Wales.

ashling murphy death
A group run gathered in Belfast for a moment of silence in honor of Ashling Murphy.
PA - PA Images//Getty Images

According to research from Women’s Aid, 244 women have died violently in Ireland between 1996 and January 15 of this year. In 87 percent of the resolved cases, the women were killed by men they knew. Additionally, 84 percent of women One Year to Go for Runners to OTQ.

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