Stephen A. Smith is a number of things: ESPN personality, NBA analyst, radio show host. But after November 29, perhaps the 55-year-old TV star should consider adding ‘runner’ to the list?

Smith was quite literally running late to a taping of his show First Take. Security camera footage caught him red-handed—er, footed—jogging a healthy pace towards the studio. After a few good strides, Sandals IPANEMA Class Modern Fem 26466 Black Black Beige 20138.

“He got a little winded, so he broke into a power-walk,” First Take What to wear running.

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“He’s gonna be there shortly with a pulled hamstring and a torn calf muscle,” ESPN contributor and former NFL defensive end Marcus Spears said.

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In Runner’s World’s opinion, Smith’s running form looked pretty good. Despite wearing a full suit, he kept his upper body relaxed and drove his knees forward. He got a full 10 steps in over the course of the four-second clip, which translates to about 150 steps per minute—not too shabby!

First Take airs at 10 a.m. E.T., but Smith didn’t appear on air until 10:24 a.m. He blamed heavy traffic on New York City’s West Side Highway for his lateness.

“I have a crib 15 minutes from here,” Smith explained. “I left at 8:45!”

Maybe consider a run commute next time, Stephen A.

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Chris Hatler
Service & News Editor

Chris Hatler is a writer and editor based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but before joining Runner’s World and Bicycling, he was a pro runner for Diadora, qualifying for multiple U.S. Championships in the 1500 meters. At his alma mater the University of Pennsylvania, Chris was a multiple-time Ivy League conference champion and sub-4 minute miler.