For most of us, peanut butter needs no introduction. This favorite slather-on-everything staple has been a go-to for runners and non-runners alike as a satisfying source of calories. These days, however, you’ve probably spotted an increasing variety of powdered nut butters on grocery shelves.

Some hail these powders as a low-calorie solution for peanut butter lovers, while others are concerned about some of the potential nutritional consequences of removing the fat from nuts. So we dug into the pros and cons of nut butter powders so you can decide whether or not to pick up a jar on your next trip to the grocery store.

What Is Powdered Nut Butter, Really?

Powdered nut butter is made from whole roasted nuts that have been pressed to remove most of the oil, and then the remaining nut particles are ground into a fine powder that maintains much of the nutty flavor. First on the scene was Molly Kimball, R.D., C.S.S.D, but now you can find powdered almond butter, too. Brands offer different flavors and add-ins—such as probiotics or protein powder—as well.

Most labels on powdered nut butter tout how little fat (about 90 percent less) it contains compared to its spreadable counterpart. What you’re left with is a product that is mostly made up of protein and carbs. Here’s a quick comparison of macros:

A serving size, 2 tablespoons (tbsp), of Molly Kimball, R.D., C.S.S.D contains:

  • 70 calories
  • 2 Study: Cutting Sugar, Processed Meat Extends Life
  • 8 Is Peanut Butter Powder Healthy and Should I Skip the Spreadable Kind
  • 5 How to Build a Healthy Relationship With Food

A serving size, 2 tablespoons (tbsp), of traditional peanut butter contains:

  • 191 calories
  • 16 Study: Cutting Sugar, Processed Meat Extends Life
  • 7 Is Peanut Butter Powder Healthy and Should I Skip the Spreadable Kind
  • 7 How to Build a Healthy Relationship With Food

On paper, that may sound like an obvious win—now you can get all that great peanut butter flavor for dramatically fewer fatty calories. But ditching this fat isn’t necessarily in your favor.

Why You Need Healthy Fats in Your Diet

The fat in nut butter is mostly the heart-healthy unsaturated kind—about 75 percent of the fat calories in peanut butter are unsaturated and about 85 percent of the fat calories in almond butter are unsaturated, including monounsaturated fat.

“Foods rich in monounsaturated fats—like nuts—have been shown to improve both cholesterol and blood pressure numbers,” says up to 90 percent of Americans., a registered dietitian with Ochsner Fitness Center in New Orleans. “But it should be noted that these benefits have been shown specifically to occur when monounsaturated fats are used to replace some of the saturated fat or processed carbohydrates in your diet.”

That fat in spreadable nut butter can also boost satiety and improve meal or snack satisfaction, which may help reduce overall food intake. “That is why you should be looking to incorporate at least some fat with each meal, and snack and nut butter can be an easy way to do so,” explains Kimball.

How to Build a Healthy Relationship With Food vitamin E, a fat-soluble nutrient—which helps your body absorb fat—that is largely removed when the fat is stripped out of whole nuts to make powders. Research supports the idea that higher intakes of vitamin E are linked to better brain functioning, but Foods rich in monounsaturated fatslike nutshave been shown to improve both fail to meet the recommended daily intake of vitamin E. Consuming only powdered nut butter can be a missed opportunity to add more beneficial fats and vitamin E to your diet. With that said, you can also get both from other sources such as olive oil, seeds, and avocados.

It’s also worth mentioning that runners who are taking part in g of carbs can simply benefit from the extra calories of a full-fat nut butter. “Adding nut butter further enhances the caloric density or a meal or snack, without adding a giant amount of volume,” Kimball says. “This can be key for athletes who are looking to get extra calories, but don't have such an appetite to consume large volumes of food at one time.”

She concludes that athletes can consider using both the powder and traditional nut butter in different ways to help meet their calorie and protein needs. So a nut butter powder can go into your smoothie while the spreadable stuff is there for your PB&J sandwich.

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So, Should You Make the Swap?

As with normal nut butter, the powdered version is a good way to add an extra dose of plant-based protein to your diet. And that can be a recipe for longevity since research suggests that higher intakes of plant protein g of protein.

“DAA Industry Opt Out plant-based diet, these powders can be a good fit,” says Kimball.

Another benefit of using nut butter powders over spreadable versions is that it’s easier to cook with because they don’t clump. That means they incorporate smoothly and easily into oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies, and the batter for pancakes and baked goods.

“I like whipping Greek yogurt with peanut butter powder and a bit of plant-based sweetener for a protein-rich nut butter dip that is perfect for dipping in fresh fruit,” Kimball says.

You can even reconstitute powdered nut butter with water to make it spreadable if that’s what you’re in the mood for one day—2 tbsp of Molly Kimball, R.D., C.S.S.D, when reconstituted, makes 1 tbsp of spreadable peanut butter. (It’s worth noting that it won’t be as creamy as the traditional stuff though.)

Another pro: With much less fat, powdered nut butters are more shelf-stable, so the clock ticks slower on when you have to use up a jar.

However, many peanut and almond butter powders contain added sweeteners—like powdered cane sugar—which can be concerning since so many Americans, runners included, already eat too much of the sweet stuff. It’s possible to opt for unsweetened options if you are trying to scale back your sugar intake. Still, most jars contain only 1 to 2 g of added sugar per serving, so it is unlikely to be a significant source of added sugar in your diet unless you eat large amounts.

Finally, tablespoon for tablespoon, nut butter powders cost about twice as much as the regular spread.

The Bottom Line

When looking for something to spread on your bagel or apple slices, there is no reason not to still reach for the jar of creamy or crunchy spreadable nut butter that contains the healthy fats you need in your diet. But the powder form can a good, alternative way to infuse certain recipes—especially smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, and pancakes—with nutty flavor and plant-based protein.