• Research suggests that two compounds, lutein and zeaxanthin, found in colorful foods can improve visual range or seeing objects in the distance.
  • Experts say visual range is important for athletes, as it helps you see obstacles and the road ahead.

The factors that go into better athletic performance encompass a breadth of physical and mental advantages, from cardiorespiratory capability to grit and motivation—but one that may be overlooked is the role of eye health.

A research review published in Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews looked at the potential for two specific plant compounds—called lutein and zeaxanthin—to improve both visual ability and nervous system health.

Researchers noted that these compounds, which are found in foods like dark leafy greens, as well as yellow and orange vegetables, have been shown in previous studies to help vision in several key ways, including chromatic contrast, decreased glare, and faster recovery from photostress—which is what happens when eyes are exposed to bright light.

In the recent review, they found one more advantage with these compounds: better ability to see objects in the distance, known as visual range.

When all of these are considered together, they can provide significant benefits for athletes, according to the study’s lead author, Jack Harth Ph.D.(c), researcher at the University Georgia’s College of Public Health.

“Visual range is critical for athletes in almost any sport,” he said. “What we found is that what you eat could make a difference for improving that ability to see clearly over distance.”

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The reason visual range can get limited is due to the effects of blue light, which has gotten a great deal of attention as a source of eye strain from electronic devices, but this type of light also occurs naturally outside and it can make distant objects more difficult to see, in part because it reduces contrast. For example, think about how sunglasses with blue blocker features can sharpen what you’re viewing, without completely darkening the entire landscape.

You can gain the same capability to a certain degree by eating foods rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, added Harth.

“When you absorb these compounds through what you eat, they collect in the retina as yellow pigments,” he said. “That becomes a filter within the eye that can reduce how much blue light is interfering with what you see.”

The advantages of improving visual range for runners means they may have a better view of the road ahead so they can spot obstacles or turns more easily. And even a small effect in visual range may provide some performance gain, said Harth.

That doesn’t mean you can ditch the sunglasses, Harth added. Absorption rate of the compounds varies among individuals, and some may have greater advantages than others. Also, it takes time to notice improvements and even then, they may be subtle.

However, there are no downsides to adding more colorful, whole foods with these compounds to your diet, especially because they’ve also been shown to contain phytonutrients and fiber, Guide to Mental Health.

From: Bicycling US
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Elizabeth Millard

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