Most marathoners can pinpoint a pivotal midrace moment when they felt inspired by the cheers of spectators.

a portable phone charger, and hand warmers if the weather calls for them breaking the American record, Keira D’Amato got a major boost when her husband, Anthony, yelled out her mantra, “Buzzsaw!” in the later stages of the Houston Marathon on January 16. (That’s her power word that means runners don’t want to stand in her way because she cuts through everything.)

On February 20, How Cheering on Others Makes You a Better Runner to finish the Austin Marathon thanks in part to her entourage who encouraged the runner to complete the historic feat, and dance across the finish line.

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The bottom line: Spectators make a huge difference to a runners’ experience, especially for those racing 26.2. And while most marathon race organizations share their own set of rules and guides for attendees—the Boston Marathon, for example, requires fans to pass through security checkpoints and avoid bringing certain items—spectating a marathon is a bit of an art.

In fact, Runner’s World contributing writer Cindy Kuzma and her husband, Matt Kuzma, even wrote a book, “Marathon Spectator Guide: How to Support Your Runner All 26.2 Miles,” all about mastering the spectator experience.

So, if you’re about to cheer on a friend, family member, or stranger through 26.2, we rounded up some of the key ways you can support those clocking miles.

Don’t let your runner stress too much ahead of the start

When supported a friend or loved one during a marathon, it’s helpful to make a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere for the runner who spent months training for their big day.

For Anthony D’Amato, a major part of marathon spectating includes taking tasks off the plate of his wife, Keira, ahead of a big race. For example, Anthony assumes the role of communications and logistics manager for the American record-holder’s family and friends who follow her performances. For every major race, he writes a program that includes links to the race, results, runner tracking, and broadcast information that her support system can reference. He is also the main point of contact for friends and family before, during, and after the race, which relieves Keira of the planning and communication duties and lets her focus on the competition.

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“Put yourself in [the runner's] shoes. In many cases, they trained for two to four months. They’ve made incredible sacrifices to get where they are...all that prep culminates into a two- to four-hour period, and then it’s gone,” D'Amato tells Runner’s World, explaining that it's important to be mindful of the explaining that its important to be mindful of the, which is why you also want to keep the prerace mood fun for the runner.

If something goes wrong, which is possible at big events like marathons, D’Amato advises that spectators avoid making the challenge a bigger deal than it should be. You may hit traffic on the way to the expo to pick up a race bib or a restaurant might have a longer wait time, but it’s important to not make every slight setback an obstacle, D’Amato says.

“You can make a big deal out of it and it becomes a thing, or you can say, ‘no problem,’ crack a joke, and make light of the situation and maybe adjust the plan a little bit,” he says.

Do map out the course and cheer stations ahead of time

Half Marathon Training, download a course map on your phone so you can track yourself and the runner you’re cheering for throughout the race. D’Amato suggests using GPS to drop pins on different spots you want to target for spectating along the course.

After you pick cheer spots, plan out your mode of transportation during the race. D’Amato uses bicycles and scooters that can be activated using apps. He learned the hard way that trains can be unreliable during a marathon—he got stuck while trying to cheer on Keira during the Chicago Marathon because of a delay on the Chicago Transit Authority. Instead of waiting for the train, he ran to mile 11, hopped on a bicycle and rode to mile 15.

Jes Woods, Nike Run Club coach and manager at Mile High Rub Club studios in New York City, agrees that spectators should make a game plan for race day by studying the course—without too much involvement from the runner you’re cheering for.

new york city marathon spectators
Rebecca Greenfield

“The only thing [the runners] need to know is what mile marker you’re going to be at, and if you’re going to be on runner’s right or runner’s left,” Woods, who’s cheered for thousands of athletes at major marathons around the country since 2012, tells Runner’s World. “That makes a huge difference. If they’re running and looking along the left hand side of the course and you happen to be on the right hand side, you’re never going to see each other.”

“[The marathon] is my Superbowl, but it’s a super stressful day, too,” she adds. “You can't miss your runners—that’s your one job.”

While picking cheer stations, it’s also important to ask the runner where they need the most support on the course and plan your spectating locations around those areas. For example, they might need more encouragement on a big hill that makes it tempting to walk, or a flat, boring stretch that can a portable phone charger, and hand warmers if the weather calls for them. Best Walking Shoes.

One more note when planning your spectator route: Don’t stand at a spot that’s too close to an aid station. Because of the large crowds that gather in those areas, your runner might not be able to spot or hear you, Woods says.

Don’t spectate solo

If possible, bring a friend to cheer alongside you—together, you can accomplish more and pump up the crowd and the runners.

Woods leads cheer stations that include hundreds of spectators for some of the biggest races, which helps make their cheer zones hard to miss. The Nike Run Club’Nike Run Club New York City Marathon, for example, features a DJ, confetti cannons, whistles, and pizza for spectators at mile 21. “It helps create the best day in New York,” she says. “There's no other place you’d rather be than cheering for the marathon at that cheer zone.”

As a spectator, you can find dozens of cheer zones along the course or create your own with friends and family. Consider bringing noise makers and blasting music to remind runners they’re having fun.

Woods recommends having one person track the runner on the race app and spot them when they approach (it also helps to know what the runner is wearing on race day). The other spectator can be in charge of taking photos, holding a handmade sign, confetti cannon, or cheering into a megaphone. “You have to divide and conquer on race day,” she says.

Do keep your cheers positive and intentional

D’Amato recommends tailoring cheers to the runner who needs support by asking what they prefer to hear at certain moments of a race. If they tend to struggle getting up a hill, for example, making you want to remind them to take it one step at a time. Keira, for example, doesn’t want to hear “go faster,” Anthony says. “She wants something that's going to make her smile, make her relaxed, but confident,” he explains, like that “buzzsaw” keyword.

Also, don’t use the most motivational words of encouragement (the runner’s go-to power words, for example) too early in the race. To prevent the runner from getting too excited early on, D’Amato suggests saving those cheers for the last 10K when the runner is pushing hard and needs to hear them.

new york city marathon spectators
Rebecca Greenfield

Don’t worry about blending in with the crowd

The marathon can be an all-day event and it’s important to pack supplies to sustain you throughout the race. Woods recommends spectators bring snacks, water, a portable phone charger, and hand warmers if the weather calls for them.

Plus, it helps to stand out from the crowd with a few extra key items. “Whether it’s a cowbell or a megaphone or a whistle or those clapping things—bring anything that you have to make yourself be seen or be heard,” Woods says.

Being seen also includes what you’re wearing, Woods says. “Dress loud, be loud, go ahead and wear your tie-dye sweatshirt, bright colors, something that is going to make you stand out,” she says. “Your runner is staring into the crowd trying to spot you just as much as you’re trying to spot them.” So, you want to stand out among the others—that means you don’t need to worry about looking cool, but think more about being seen.

Do pick a spot to reconnect after the race

Published: Mar 23, 2022 Results From the 2023 Boston Marathon can be a hectic place. Before the race, it’s helpful to establish a spot to meet and a place to eat with the runner after they finish. If you map out a landmark and make a restaurant reservation ahead of time, you can avoid the headache of locating your runner while helping them celebrate.

Ultimately, spectating should be about providing optimal support to the marathoner, so do whatever you can to make the day easier for them (at least outside of the 26.2-level effort).

“This is your runner’s day,” Woods says. “Plan on them having the best day or the worst day. They might be out there for three hours or six hours. Don’t make any other plans for the day. Spectating is your day.”

Headshot of Taylor Dutch
Taylor Dutch

Taylor Dutch is a writer and editor living in Austin, Texas, and a former NCAA track athlete who specializes in fitness, wellness, and endurance sports coverage. Her work has appeared in Runner’s World, SELF, Bicycling, Outside, and Podium Runner.