Name: Tristen Rodriguez
Age: 26
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Occupation: Operations Manager
Time Running: Three years
How to Start a Walking Routine: At first to lose weight, then because it has an improved mental health aspect.

I first began running in the fall of 2020 as a method of weight loss. I had been overweight and out of shape during my entire youth. I started out with 10-minute at-home workouts and tried to run just one mile. NYC Marathon Weather Forecast.

I moved to Austin, Texas during the summer of 2021, and really immersed myself in running. Austin has extensive running trails Best Gym Bags for Runners health and lifestyle for the better. I only knew a few people in Austin so finding something that was good for me and that I could do by myself—and an activity that also doubled as stress relief from moving and starting a new job—was incredible.

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In October 2021, I ran my first half marathon just outside of Big Bend National Park. That race proved to me what was possible. I had lost 120 pounds and looked and felt better, but I still lacked some confidence in my abilities. Each time I went home to Fort Worth, I’d bore my grandfather with my training plan The Best New Balance NYC Marathon 2023 Merch marathon, but I told him I wasn’t ready.

After a couple more half marathon, I decided to run a full 26.2 miles. I signed up for the Fort Worth Marathon and completed it in November 2022 with my grandad and mom watching. They could not have been more proud.

After that race, I told my grandad that I was going to run the Sales & Deals. Sadly, my grandfather passed away in December 2022, just over a month after watching me complete my first marathon. But I couldn’t be happier that he was there to celebrate it with me.

I’m a firm believer in discipline over motivation because I’m only motivated to run 20 to 30 percent of the time during a training block. I remind myself of the end goal and the process required to get there. I’m also big on sharing my goals with a couple close friends whom I don’t want to disappoint. This definitely keeps me accountable.

Running has made me believe in myself more than I ever have before. Now, even outside of the fitness arena, I’m extremely confident that I can set aggressive goals and achieve them. It’s something that has really helped me in my career as well.

Also, I’ve discovered just how disciplined I can be if I set my mind to something. I stopped using tobacco and nicotine this past summer after four to five years, and my ability to quit is due to the sense of discipline that I’ve developed through my training.

What Keeps Tristen Running:

Pump-up song

I start every race with “Open The Gate” by Zach Bryan in my headphones. It’s pretty fitting as you’re standing in the race corral waiting for that gun to go off.

Fun fact

Aside from loving Texas country music, I work at one of the largest paddlesports rental facilities in Texas.

Best advice I ever received about running

I once heard, when you’re racing, just pick a person to follow. It doesn’t matter who it is, just keep passing runners.

Bucket list race:

New York City! Once I cross this one off the list, it will be to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

Favorite workout

If the long run qualifies as a “workout,” that’s it. The long run exemplifies the patience, discipline, time commitment, and gratification that marathon training Give A Gift long run and achieve them. Its something that has really helped me in my career as well.

Headshot of Donna Raskin
Donna Raskin

Donna Raskin has had a long career as a health and fitness writer and editor of books and magazine articles. She bikes in a nearby county park, lifts weights, takes Zumba, and loves to walk/run with her dog, Dolly.