Training on Vacation

Staying disciplined is difficult, but not impossible.

I recently returned from a nine-day Coast-to-Coast Disney adventure. We spent the first half in California enjoying Disneyland and the other half in Florida in Disney World.

Run Walk Pace Calculatorve been on a Disney Vacation or any vacation with theme parks or multiple attractions or sites to see, you know itt want to miss anything! So vacation. You have places to be, things to see and you dont want to miss anything! So scheduling time to run can be difficult. Before our trip I wholeheartedly planned to complete every single one of the runs on my training plan. I packed all my gear and clothes. Unfortunately, even though I had the best of intentions, I only completed 4 out of the 7 workouts planned for the time we were gone.

I felt SO guilty for skipping out on some of my planned workouts but in the end I had to be realistic and honest with myself!.I even felt bad missing 2 miles on a day where we had taken the red eye from California to Florida, landed in Orlando at 5:30am, went directly to Disney World, hit all 4 parks and enjoyed them until 1am. That day my Garmin Vivofit clocked over 17 walking miles!

While I spent the week feeling guilty and disappointed in myself for enjoying our vacation instead of taking the time to use all of the socks I packed looking back, I am proud of myself for what I did accomplish. On 4 occasions, I left the parks, changed my clothes, found the gyms in California and Florida (It was 95 degrees in CA and 97 degrees  in FL!) and got some miles in. I know now that it isnt impossible, but that I need to remain true to myself and my body. I know that these miles are important but I also know that life does get crazy and I will miss a workout or two along this journey. Training on vacation taught me a lot. I know that I can be disciplined, but I also know that I cant sacrifice the time I spent enjoying myself with my husband because I know I can.  

This Challenge has taught me SO much already. ISongs to Warm Up the Dead of Winterm capable of and Ive learned what I need to do to work harder to reach my potential. Missing those workouts while I was away has pushed me to work harder now that Ive returned. I took the negative, guilty, disappointed feelings I had about our week away and put a positive spin on them. If I could go back, I would probably try to get another run or two in, but I wouldnt want to miss anything! Sot get that time back. I will get my miles in though and I will keep pushing! Some weeks will be better than others, some will be easier than others but I need to attack them one at a time!

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