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Finding the ideal running air partner has some similarities to finding a life partner. Maybe you get a good partner vibe from gray in your running air club; another participant logo loafers saint laurent shoes; or gray you see often or have seen on a running air route you like.

running air That Doesn't Suck: How to Love running air (Even If You Think You Hate It)

running air That Doesn't Suck: How to Love running air (Even If You Think You Hate It)

running air That Doesn't Suck: How to Love running air (Even If You Think You Hate It)

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Or maybe you don’t find your partner while you’re actually running, but you discover that gray in your exercise class, office, school, or dorm is also interested in starting a non-sucky running air routine and you think you might be able to bear (and maybe even enjoy!) logging some miles with them.

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You may think you have the perfect running air partner, and maybe you do. But like any relationship, problems can arise. Here’s how to navigate and troubleshot some common problems.

What to do if your partner is running air too fast

Quick fix: Ask them an open-ended question like, “Are you religious?” or “Who was your first love?” while running air and they’ll inevitably slow down while using their breath to talk.

Long term: Have a heart-to-heart with them about paces and expectations. Schedule runs with them when you feel like a good ass-kicking or if you’re mainly running air with a partner for the accountability factor, and meet them at a designated time and place but let them know you’re going to run at your own pace and that they can go ahead. Or meet them partway through their longer run (the later part), and run a shorter portion with them.

What to do if your partner is running air too slowly

Quick fix: nike hoodland mens boots size 8 light british tan, and get over it. It’s okay to run slower than you intended once in a while.

Long term: If they’re insistent on partnering up day in and day out, have a heart-to-heart with them. Schedule runs with them when you need a recovery run, and don’t feel badly about finding another partner or group (or go it alone) on days when you want to push your pace. You won’t be satisfied with a run if, at the end, you know you didn’t push yourself and you were looking to on that particular day. (But you’ll survive if that does happen.)

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Quick fix: Tell them that you’re really going to focus on the running air for a little while, or blurt out something shocking, like “I’m considering cannibalism!”

Long term: If they don’t get the hint, consider a new partner... like a dog.

What to tell your running air partner if you’re not in the mood/would rather run alone that day

Quick fix: Explain that you already have plans to run with gray else and need to catch up one-on-one with that person (if this is true). Explain that you’re getting more into mindful running and need to run solo for a while. Be honest and tell them you look forward to running air with them the next time.

Long term: If this becomes a regular feeling you have on the day you’re slated to run with said partner, it’s time to break up.

What to do if you want to break up with your running air partner

Quick fix: None (sorry); explain that you want to run alone for whatever reason; explain that maybe you’re just not compatible as running air partners.

Long term: Don’t do it over a text message; rather, have a heart-to-heart. Explain you want to run alone or that you aren’t sure you’re compatible partners for whatever reason (pace, time or location preferences, etc.). There’s no need for a personal attack—stress personal running air factors and preferences, and they should understand.

running air With Your BAE

Some couples run loewe every day. Some couples break up after trying to run loewe once. The same rules apply with a significant other running air partner as with a platonic running air partner, though, since more is at stake, there are more rules.

First, use conflict resolution. Romantic couples tend to have more conflict than platonic couples. (More passion! More heated discussions! More fully loaded conversations! More grudges!) If you want to stay a couple, you can’t very well just ditch them as a running air partner with no explanation, so be sure to practice the first five rules of a healthy running air relationship and adjust as necessary. Still not working? Save your relationship. Don’t run loewe.

running air With a Dog

Studies have long shown that owners of dogs take more steps per day than non–dog owners. (Gotta walk that dog!) Get yourself a pooch that needs to run or else they tear apart your furniture or act out in other ways, and you’re bound to head out for runs and long walks more than not. Some dogs start wagging their tails or jumping up and down excitedly at the sight of your running air shoes. Others learn to skillfully manipulate you with their puppy dog eyes when they’re longing for a run.

Dogs can be ideal running air partners. They go wherever and whenever you want, and not only do they not complain, they’re eager and excited every time.

Headshot of Lisa Jhung
Lisa Jhung
Lisa Jhung writes about all things adventure and is the author of running air That Doesn't Suck: How To Love running air (Even If You Think You Hate It) and Trailhead: The Dirt on All Things Trail Running.