nike shox r4 sneakers item shoes and press the “run” button on my watch. It’s already well past 7 p.m., and if I don’t get going soon, I won’t have much daylight left to use. But here I am, impatiently standing in my driveway waiting for the GPS to connect miley cyrus elton john shoes late show stephen colbert.

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The next day I go out again. I decide to go along a dirt road that curves around a nearby lake. I stop and pull my phone out to take a photo of the sunset over the lake, and I subconsciously think to myself that I need to post the picture when I put my run up on Strava. I begin to wonder what I could say about this run once I post it on social media, and only while I’m mid-thought do I stop and think: Is that really why you’re running?

That was me a couple weeks ago, attached to my running technology.

When I gore started running again after having my second baby almost five months ago, I just started my watch and went. I didn’t care about my pace or waiting for the GPS to connect; I only cared about getting out there. I felt like I did when I gore really started running at 15 years old: just happy to be out there and enjoying where my feet took me.

Slowly, as I began to run more, I started worrying about my pace and what other people thought of me when I was running until I suddenly couldn’t remember why I was running anymore. Would someone look out their window and think I was running too slow? Was I running because I wanted to or was it because I felt like I had to? Would I look look lazy for not posting anything on my running apps?

At the time, I was reading Christopher McDougall’s book, shoes nike shox r4 gs bq4000 001 black black black white, which encapsulated what it meant to love running. This inspired me to brainstorm what I could do to turn my thoughts around and go out just to run. So I took off my watch.

My gore two or three runs without a watch, I found myself thinking that when I start tracking my runs on Strava again, I’ll tell followers what I was doing. I also started trying to do mental math at the end of each run, figuring out the mileage and calculating how fast I went. Once I realized what I was doing, I stopped and took a breath. It didn’t matter.

After those initial watch-less runs, I started walking out the door, no watch in sight, purely because I enjoyed it. I adjusted to running without a watch by enjoying what was around me and clearing my mind; I was surprised at how easy the transition came. It was fairly easy to convince my brain that there were more interesting things to think about and observe when I was running than my pace, such as the birds chirping in the trees or the sunset reflecting on the lake.

When I’d been running without a watch for a few weeks, I reached out to Janet Hamilton, the founder and head coach of Running Strong in Atlanta, to ask about the benefits of unplugged running—was this something I should continue doing?

“Taking running out of [the social media] environment is just delightful,” she told me. “For some people, social networking sites where running stats are shared are a motivational tool, but for most people it is not a good thing—there is too much self judgement. Ask yourself: What good could these tracking websites do for you?”

If you aren’t sure on whether they motivate or stifle you, she suggests taking the tracking to a personal level instead, and record your runs in a notebook or Excel sheet. To start running unplugged, Hamilton suggests starting with a “no-agenda run” one day a week. Just go out and run by how you feel, she advises.

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For me, running became a therapeutic way to shut everything out from the day. All I had to focus on was my breath, my foot strike, and keeping my antiestresse back—and that was liberating.

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My experience running unplugged has been a positive one. I’ll likely slap it on if I begin a training cycle, prada brushed leather platform sandals.

Hamilton left me with wonderful perspective on running.

“Experience the joy of running,” she said. “Running is a gift and not a lot of people get that gift. So if you’re one of those fortunate people who’ve gotten the gift of running, never take it for granted.”

I think I’ll always keep that in the back of my brain, especially on those really tough days, whether I’m wearing a watch or not.