Hi! My name is Jennifer Acker, I’m the Health and Fitness Editor at Runner’s World, and this Summer Run Streak will be my first attempt at a streak! The run streak is a challenge designed to keep you running through these sweaty and busy summer days, bridging the gap between Memorial Day and July 4.

That’s 36 consecutive days of running, and while I’ve never run more than six days straight before, if there is one thing life has taught me, it is not to look too far ahead and take it one day at a time. My goal is to have fun, stay healthy, and maybe learn something new along the way.

Follow along as I share my #RWRunStreak The Most Important Things to Remember When Going From Roads to Trails!

Day 36: Bozeman

The night before my father died, I lay next to him in bed and we spoke about Montana. We had both spent time here in our 20s—he while on leave from the service in the 1960s, and me while traveling across the country some 30 years later. During those travels, we both spent time with our family in the western town and experienced our coming-of-age stories.

Today, I ran through Bozeman, Montana, and listened for my father’s voice. With the mountains in the distance, I began to understand what brought us here, then, and now. I ran with an understanding that he knew I was here moving forward, but holding in my heart the stories of my past and understanding how they would continue to shape me as I move forward, one step at a time.

Related Story: Understanding Why You Hit The Wall

Day 35: Yellowstone

Today, my family and I adventured into Yellowstone National Park. We hiked at various spots, about 3 miles total, in the western corner of the park. We spotted a bison, an elk, and a wolf; beautiful thermal hot springs, and had a beautiful picnic on Yellowstone Lake. While hiking, the elevation was quite noticeable, but the weather, air, views and feeling of being in a beautiful national park… unforgettable.

Related Story: 30 Most Beautiful National Parks the U.S. Has to Offer

Day 34: Montana Mornings

This AM, I ran four miles with my oldest daughter through the streets of Bozeman, Montana. I showed her where her great uncle and aunt once lived and the local university. We played “guess which homes college kids live in,” and she quickly caught on. I could get used to the dry and cool summer mornings here.

Related Story: What to Consider When Traveling for a Race During the Pandemic

Day 33: East to West

Being that I flew halfway across the country from Eastern Pennsylvania to Western Montana—and was a victim of delayed overbooked flights, altitude dehydration, and the ware of being around too many people in close proximity all day—when I finally settled in, I walked a mile roundtrip to the co-op grocery store and found some local beer. Not sure if this counts, but happy 33rd-day streakers!

Related Story: The Best Trips, Hotels, and Gear for Traveling Runners

Day 32: Five Happy Miles

I’m enjoying running—in the heat. I thought I’d never say those words together! But to be able to run and breathe normally is making me over-the-moon happy. (I’m using an inhaler now about 10 minutes before I run.)

I ran 5 miles on backroads this morning and didn’t even notice the warm temps, but what I did notice is that I could push my pace. Over time, I just grew used to coughing fits while running and didn’t realize how much it hampered my performance and enjoyment of the sport. I never imagined what I was experiencing was exercise-induced asthma. Looking forward to closing out the streak strong!

Related Story: 4 Signs Of Exercise-Induced Asthma Every Runner Should Know

Day 31: Two Normal Miles

My husband is the Dad on our block who unofficially services all the kids' bikes. When the little girl gang shows up in our driveway for a snack or to play a game he'll spot-check helmet straps, check brakes, and tire pressure. One day he noticed one of the girls was riding on a flat and she didn't realize it. So, he pumped her tire up, and as she rode away unforgettably shouted “wow! It’s so much easier now!”

I felt like that little kid today. Whether it's the steroids or inhaler, I felt speedy and didn't realize how much of an effort it was for so long. I didn't cough or gasp once. I'm thankful for two very normal miles after work and jumping on the trampoline with my daughters tonight!

Related Story: Hi! My name is Jennifer Acker, Im the Health and Fitness Editor at Runners World, a

Day 30: Long Covid

I had COVID about seven weeks ago, just before the Run Streak started. And today, instead of a morning run, I went to the doctor because I still have lingering symptoms. When the doctor heard me cough, I said it’s probably just lingering allergies, but told her I do cough more when running and feel like I’m gagging at times. She looked concerned at that point and told me what I’m experiencing were symptoms of asthmatic attacks.

The thought never crossed my mind. I think in our minds we can justify things going on with us, and perhaps that’s what I was doing. I lost track of how many times I told myself, “just a long allergy season,” as I was gagging on the side of the road. And when I felt slow, “you’re just tired—it’s been a long month.” I wanted so badly to push through it and ignore the cough, hoping it would just go away like the pollen count. But how we feel when we run can tell us a lot about our health. Hindsight is 20/20. Tomorrow is a new day and a chance to see what it’s like to run with the help of an inhaler. But I’m planning on a 1-2 mile walk tonight.

Related Story: 7 Keys to Recovery From an Elite Runner Who Experienced Long COVID

Day 29: Running After Work

Three and a half miles today through some neighborhood streets, and the best part—my 13-year-old daughter joined me for some of it. It definitely makes it easier to get out the door when you have a running buddy to be accountable to.

As a solo runner the majority of the time, I really do love the moments I get to run with friends and family. After feeling directionless with my running for the past couple of weeks, I decided to start researching some races and causes. I’m getting closer to deciding, and hope the streak inspires others to go after something they have their sights on.

Related Story: Want to Sign Up for a Race? Here’s What You Need to Know About Common Distances

Day 28: Lowering Expectations

No smartwatch to time me today—no arbitrary device to tell me if I’m fast or slow. Isn’t Sunday meant for meandering?

This morning was muggy in typical summer-day fashion. And I remembered the advice from a friend, one with four kids, before I started today. She once said that much of enjoying life is about lowering your expectations.

Today, I accepted the heat, and with it a slower pace. I lowered my expectations, I adapted to my environment, and ran with ease.

Related Story: Most Beautiful National Parks the U.S. Has to Offer?

Day 27: A Mother’s Mile

I’m on my fourth of probably six loads of laundry after my children returned home from camp. The mom duties are piling high this weekend. I could come up with a list of 100 things that need to get done around the house, but I decided to put excuses aside for a few minutes and sneak in a quick run.

I’m not a heat person, and it’s hot today. But, I figured I could handle one and a half miles, and now my day seems a little more manageable after having that time. My kids don’t know it yet, but they’ll be better off for my running and taking time for myself.

Related Story: Easy and Nutritious Mason Jar Meals, Created for Runners

Day 26: Plans

Three miles today. I’ve noticed that this streak has given me a purpose to lace up, but I have to admit I do feel kind of rudderless and don’t really have any goals other than to run at least one mile a day. I’m thinking after the streak it may benefit me to register for some sort of race. I tend to be a go-with-the-flow type runner—I don’t usually have a plan. But maybe it’s time to change that and add a little more structure to my running.

Related Story: The Best Trips, Hotels, and Gear for Traveling Runners

Day 25: Perfectionism Is the Enemy of Progress

I walked with my dog, for one mile. I didn’t run. Since this is my first Run Streak, I wanted to run each day. I’m glad for quiet time, just me and my dog walking around the block on a June evening. It was what I needed-nothing less, nothing more. I’ve made good progress, and it’s not perfect, and that’s ok. I’ll run as much as I can, but also listen to my body too.

Related Story: 3 Signs You May Need to Break Your Run Streak

Day 24: Spiritual Shifts

I’ve heard that when crows come near you it’s a sign of some sort of spiritual shift taking place and to pay close attention to what’s happening around you. My daughter tells me that they remember human faces, and that they investigate unnatural deaths among their own to learn. They are fascinating creatures, but I think I may have yelled at one crow too many times for overtaking the backyard bird feeder.

Today, while running, I was startled by a crow doing a very low pass above me. Twice, its distinct nasal “caw,” felt like a warning directed at me. Needless to say, my mind played out ominous events unfolding during another two-mile run this morning.

Related Story: DAA Industry Opt Out

Day 23: “Survivin”

Today, I checked off “Dedicate a Run to someone” on the Run Streak Bingo card. And today’s run was dedicated to everyone in the streak, whether you missed a day here or there, or have been going nonstop—I think it’s so cool that runners like you commit to this challenge and prioritize their physical and mental health.

I ran 2 miles around the neighborhood and I thought this loop would become my run-with-music loop when I don’t want to get moving. Fittingly, I listened to Bastille's “Survivin,” an upbeat tune to churn out a mile or two.

Related Story: Does Listening to Music Affect Running Pace and Cadence? We Hit the Track to Find Out

Day 22: Running Slows Everything Down

Remember those summer days as a kid when summer seemed so incredibly long? In some ways running through the streak has made time slow down for me. It feels like June will never end, and I’m not sure I want it to. I’m noticing all the tiny details of June when I’m out there every day chugging along—from enjoying breezy morning weather, to watching town carnivals being set up and taken down and listening to children jumping on trampolines as I pass by, or spotting toads on the trails. This is June running. I’ve become intertwined with all that June is, just from running. Today, I ran 3.5 miles through town, in perfect running weather.

Related Story: RWRunStreak Daily Tips

Day 21: If You've Run This Long, You Need Yoga

I've developed a bit more body awareness through yoga teacher training. Before I studied yoga I didn't give much thought to stretching things out too much, but will also admit as a result I landed in physical therapy often too. So by day 21, if you haven't yet, you really should check off 10 minutes of yoga on the bingo card. I do believe on top of just feeling better after practicing, yoga really does stave off injury and counteracts the repetitive pounding our bodies take from running. Today I ran 2.5 miles and did a few different yoga poses throughout the day.

Day 20: Comparison is the Enemy of Joy

A friend once told me that comparison is the enemy of joy and I think this idea applies very closely to runners. Because today when I finished a 5-mile run that I was proud of, I felt disappointed when I noticed at the end my average pace was 45 seconds slower than the last time I ran on the rail trail. I momentarily felt less than, but I decided to try and change the narrative in my head. I am out there doing something I love, 20 days in. A time can't determine my joy. Even if one day it's a really good split, we have to remember it might not always be, but to keep committing to showing up is enough.

Day 19: Checking Off the Bingo Card

I checked off my 3.25-mile run with a new playlist today, crossing it off on the bingo card. Admittedly, I haven’t run with music since I was in college. (That’s another story.) But I knew I’d have to pull into the reserves and get creative to keep the streak going, and today was that day. I grew up on 90s grunge, so I thought it would be fitting to go create a playlist from when I first started running. Today it was a mix of Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, Mazzy Star, Blink 182, and Blind Melon. It was a fun run through the 90s, and made the humidity less noticeable. Maybe more running with music is in my future.

Day 18: Hitting the Wall

Today was another low mileage evening trot, because of unusually bad morning storms, I decided to run late. The sky was still overcast by evening so it wasn’t too hot. I ran 1.5 miles. How naive I was back in May thinking I wouldn’t run less than 2 miles. Some distant version of myself spoke those words.

Related Story: Understanding Why You Hit “The Wall”

Day 17: Break the Rules if You Need To

I broke my own rule. I could only muster a 1.20-mile run today. But maybe it’s good because some rules are meant to be broken. I knew I wouldn’t run if I had to run 2 miles. I ran hard yesterday. Today was an exercise in self-preservation.

Day 16: What’s Your Go-To Run?

I hope every runner has that one route that is their go-to run. The one you know that if you run, your day will be alright. Today was that run for me—it’s a 4.5 to 5.5 mile loop (depending on where you turn) with four or five long hills that follow quiet roads and briefly go into a state park. But the last ¾ of a mile is all downhill. So I always end feeling fast and happy, like I’ve conquered something. I saw a few friendly faces and waved. Some runners, some walkers, some familiar faces just mowing their lawns.

Related Story: Races & Places

Day 15: Running Home

This morning I decided I was too tired to run before work. I needed to walk around the house with my coffee mug a little longer. But, temperatures kept creeping up all day so I decided to run after dinner. This is really outside of my comfort zone, so I convinced my husband to tag along again, since he recently got the clearance to ride again after ACL surgery, he was content to ride slowly.

I don’t remember who said this, but it was advice that you shouldn’t trust how you feel for the first 10 minutes or mile of a run. So I thought after my mile failure of a run, if I only have time to do 1 mile for several days, knowing myself, I wouldn’t feel “good” after running. So today was 2.25 miles at 7:00 p.m. The first mile was right into the sun, my legs felt like led, and I felt sloppy, but I felt happy when I turned around and knew I was running home. Kind of like how I know my dog feels when I say on our walks, “want to go home and have dinner?” She then suddenly picks up the pace.

Related Story: How to Get—and Stay—Motivated to Run

Day 14: Power Naps Help

I’m finding this time of the year is challenging to stay on top of running. (Hence the Run Streak) I finally had a moment to run at 4 p.m., after being out of the house since 7:30 a.m. Took a quick 20-minute power nap before I ran and convinced my husband to ride his mountain bike alongside me. I was able to squeeze in 2 miles, felt very tired from standing most of the day, but I got out there and then later in the night I shared a sundae with my daughter. Two weeks down!

Related Story: RWRunStreak Daily Tips

Day 13: Someone New

Today I had fun meeting and running with someone new. I've been a solo runner for a long time and it was nice to run with and show a family friend’s girlfriend around town on a quiet Saturday a.m. We ran 2.25 miles followed by Wegman’s donuts. Happy Weekend!

Related Story: How to Find the Ideal Running Partner

Day 12: Three Big Questions

Yesterday, I edited a piece for Bicycling about a cyclist riding his bike across the United States to raise awareness and funding for a progressive incurable kidney disease he has. The story affected and inspired me, and it led to me asking myself the three big questions on my run this AM: Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? So I spent 5 miles brainstorming how to do something bigger with my fitness, and the miles flew by. I like how running affords time for reflection. I don’t have any answers yet, but the Run Streak will give me plenty of time to think about ideas!

Related Story: I Have Graves’ Disease. Thanks to Running, I Got a Diagnosis Quickly

Day 11: Moody Skies

I’m thankful I got out the door today, 2.5 miles was better than nothing. The sky was overcast, in a moody way, much like my mood I suppose. I’m tired. It’s been a long week. I’m looking forward to a longer run in the next couple of days, and more sleep, hoping that day is tomorrow.

Related Story: How Does Your Running Stride Change When You Are Tired?

Day 10: The Heat

The sun was already high and hot by 7:30 this AM. Two miles again. Something was different about today, though, something all too familiar and loathed—humidity, which made the miles feel a bit harder. To borrow a line I loved quoting to former students on muggy June days teaching without AC (from Fitzgerald’s Thats 36 consecutive days of running,) “The thing to do is to forget about the heat,’ said Tom impatiently.’ You make it ten times worse by crabbing about it.” So I’ll stop.

Related Story: How to Stand Running in the Heat

Day 9: Not Chasing Buses Anymore

Two uneventful miles this morning through the neighborhood. I’ve learned this, though—I don’t get anything out of a one-mile run. My body takes a mile to be convinced we’re running and warm up, so stopping at one mile, I just feel like I’m chasing a bus! So I think that means my minimum run will be 2 miles. I’ve been incorporating stretching into my whole day though because it’s difficult to set aside X amount of time to stretch. And this has been working well for me.

Related Story: Why Dynamic Stretching Is Important—Plus 5 Moves to Do Before Every Run

Day 8: Wandering the Woods

Jennifer Acker

Wild strawberries and honeysuckle, bullfrogs croaking, and brook water meandering by, what’s not to love about June mornings? Five miles in the woods—probably my quickest run thus far in the challenge. (Knowing that ideal weather makes for ideal running.)

Related Story: Health & Injuries

Day 7: Sunday Funday

summer ice cream run streak
Jennifer Acker

Low humidity and perfect running weather. Today, I ran through town (4 miles)—under a canopy of old-growth trees. I love experiencing quiet Sunday mornings in a small town. I felt decent and ended on a hill, which I was surprised I ran strong for myself. And being true to my word, I enjoyed the perfect homemade ice cream tonight—Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble. (I wait all year for June’s ice cream from my favorite shop.) Seven days are down…but there are “miles to go before I sleep…”

Day 6: Moments Of Moderation

Today, I ran 2 miles. And I am learning that moderation is healthy when running. In the past, I was an “all or nothing” runner, meaning I probably missed out on a lot of days running because I wasn’t up for 4 or 5 miles, so I wouldn’t run at all. But I’m learning to like the idea of a 2-mile run to just get outside and move.

Day 5: Patience Pays Off

another barn
Jennifer Acker

Today’s weather is perfect: clear blue skies, low humidity, and a light breeze. I went out on some backroads for 4 miles, with lots of rolling hills. I’ve been reminding myself all week that patience pays off. Although I felt slow and tired, I felt alive being outside. I’ll take it. I also decided today that 36 days is too long to wait to celebrate the Run Streak. And so I made a plan-every seven days I run I will celebrate with what better way: excellent ice cream. Because seven days running is a feat in and of itself!

Day 4: Unexpected Beauty

Jennifer Acker

Shoes & Gear tricks I’ve used in the past to get myself out the door, when I don’t feel like running, sometimes involve telling myself I’ll just go out for two miles. Knowing I can stop at two miles helps me on those difficult days. It leads to the question though: What’s your reason for lacing up?

I run because I’ll feel better when I’m done, and to recognize that I need those miles to think, decompress, or not think. Depending on how I’m feeling. My favorite part of running has always been being in nature and feeling energized by beauty. I live in the North East, and even though I complain about the heat, I really do love all the seasons and experiencing them as a runner. So today’s run was three and a half miles on the rail trail. I spotted this wheelbarrow on my run, and it reminded me of the poem “Best Running Sunglasses,” by William Carlos Williams. Those are moments I love about running—simply experiencing unexpected beauty.

Day 3: Almost Normal

Yesterday, by evening, I could barely walk without feeling extremely tired. It felt like I was never going to feel normal again. (During that one gruesome mile yesterday I can only sum it up like this: I felt like a Clydesdale at the Kentucky Derby.) But after nine hours of sleeping, I’ve learned something: my body was probably very confused about why I was running sans coffee yesterday, and it was very hot—that combination doesn’t make me happy. And my body is still recovering from Covid-19. So, today with a good night’s sleep (9 hours) and caffeine I went for a late morning run and almost felt normal. I ran 2.75 miles.

I live halfway up a hill, so it doesn’t make recovery runs easy (or any run for that matter.) So I’m thinking of adding more running on the rail trail this summer to ward off injury. I should mention, as a Runner’s World editor, I’ve edited enough articles by now to have a healthy dose of fear about a few things: plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, and hamstring strains. To combat these fears, I’m planning to incorporate a lot of stretching into my run streak. A lot.

Day 2: Slow and Steady

Today’s hot weather forecast meant I had to run early, too early. And to say my legs feel tired from yesterday is an understatement. It’s quite humbling. I ran a little over a mile today, and was happy it was short and sweet. Today would have been a day, if not for the run streak, I would have skipped running, as I’m not a hot weather person. I’ve decided this week will be about reacclimating my body to running and taking it easy. I plan to do some gentle yoga later today to work out all the kinks acquired from being in bed for four days last week.

Day 1: The Best Laid Plans

barn and trail
Jennifer Acker

Last weekend, I bought a fresh pair of sneakers—my favorite Mizuno Wave Inspire—and planned out what my first week of the streak would be like. Shortly after purchasing those sneakers, I realized I had COVID-19. And after some days of mild symptoms, I’m happy to report that I’m feeling better and ready to give it a go.

Today was my first day back running, and I’m grateful for that. I took it easy and ran on a relatively flat wooded rail-trail—two and a half miles at an easy pace. I’ve never been so grateful for two odd miles. After being sick with COVID-19, just being out in nature again, feeling the sun, smelling honeysuckle, and listening to the birds, was the perfect medicine for my body and mind. Today’s pace and distance didn’t matter; breathing and putting one foot in front of the other was enough.

Find out how a streak can change you, and share your journey with us! Where will you run? How will you make it happen? How will your life change? We want to hear about it! Share your progress and motivate other streakers by “liking” the streak on Facebook. You can also share updates on Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #RWRunStreak.

Headshot of Jennifer Acker
Jennifer Acker

Jennifer Acker reports on a wide range of health and wellness topics for Runner’s World and Bicycling. She’s passionate about delivering journalism that enriches the lives of readers. Jennifer is a lifelong runner—with several half marathons, and a few marathons under her belt, certified yoga instructor, and having grown up in the Pocono Mountains, always has a mountain bike and pair of skis ready for the perfect fall or winter day.