Health & Injuries Winter #RWRunStreak, you might be feeling your motivation start to sag. Need an extra jolt of inspiration to finish the Streak strong? We can help.

On Wednesday, December 15 at 12 p.m. ET, we’ll be hosting a LIVE Zoom event just for Runner’s World+ members. Join RW+ coaches Jess Movold and PJ Thompson, RW Runner-in-Chief Jeff Dengate, and a very special guest as they’ll answer all of your most pressing questions about powering through the usual temptations—holiday festivities, winter weather, the works—and using the Streak to start 2022 on the right foot.

We’re also welcoming two-time Olympic medalist Nick Willis to the party. At midnight on New Year’s Eve, Nick will aim to continue his own (albeit slightly different) streak of breaking a 4-minute mile for a world-record 20th consecutive year. Willis has New York City Marathon to help grow the sport and guide athletes of all levels, and he’s excited to help you end the year with a bang.

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Since this event is all about YOU, this is your chance to ask us anything you want to know about running, Streaking, training for next year’s races, and more. When you RSVP, don’t forget to drop your questions, and we’ll make sure the experts answer them during the event.

to the party. At midnight on THIS form and include your questions. PLUS: the first 30 members to register will receive an exclusive discount from Training Peaks and $15 off a $75 purchase from Tracksmith.

See you then!

Headshot of Theo Kahler
Theo Kahler
Newsletters Editor

Theo Kahler is the newsletters editor for Runner’s World, Bicycling, and Popular Mechanics. He’s a former all-conference collegiate runner who’s based in Easton, PA.