CrossFit Endurance: Training Sessions

Combine high-intensity intervals with endurance runs to get running fit using the CrossFit Endurance Way (CFE)

High-intensity short interval runs build your top-end tolerance, while longer tempo runs and time trials improve aerobic endurance. Perform these workouts at the fastest pace you can sustain for the given effort.

High-Intensity Intervals

Warm up, then do 8x200m intervals. Rest for 90 seconds between each. Run each 200m within 3-5 seconds of each other. Work up to 5x800m.

Warm up, then run 90 seconds hard followed by 1 minute easy. Repeat 6-8 times.

Warm up, then run 1 mile hard. Rest for 5 minutes, then do 2-4x600m with 90-second rest recoveries. Run each 600m within 2-3 seconds of each other.

Warm up, then run hard for 1 minute. Rest for 1 minute. Run hard for 2 minutes, then rest for 2 minutes. Repeat until you’re up to 5 minutes.

Endurance Runs

Warm up with a half-mile easy jog. Then perform a 5K time trial, covering the distance as fast as you can. Cool down with a half-mile jog.

Run a 15K time trial (note: do not run longer than 90 minutes). Begin and end with a half-mile jog.

CrossFit Endurance: The Monster Moves.

Run a 5-mile time trial. Rest for 5 minutes. Do 2x1-mile at 5K time trial pace with 2 minutes’ rest.

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