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Do you suffer from post-long run cold sores? These are caused by a herpes virus and tend to occur in about the same spot - on or near the lips - with each outbreak. The skin can break out in small blisters, which can feel tingly or painful.

The blisters usually go away in seven to 10 days. The sores are contagious and can be spread to others with contact. This is the same virus group that causes herpes gladiatorum in wrestlers, a problem which can shut down wrestling programs for a week or two. The virus lives along a nerve and may remain dormant in people.

Fatigue and stress are triggers that seem to cause the lesions to erupt. The fatigue and stress you experience when running long distances can be a trigger. The simplest solution is to identify your trigger distance and to keep your mileage under that distance. If you are set on running farther, you could discuss antiviral medications for herpes suppression with your GP.

Remember that this can be passed to others with contact when the lesions are active. So do not share your facial towels, drinking glasses, utensils or lips when you feel a lesion coming on or when you have one present.