6 metabolism-boosting foods to help you get lean

Give your body a boost in the fat-burning stakes with these six foods.

Green tea

EGCG – a compound found in most green teas – speeds up your metabolism so that you burn more calories, says performance nutritionist Drew Price. Jasmine tea has the same properties, he adds.
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Pine nuts

Korean researchers found consumption of pine kernels prompts your body’s release of cholecystokinin – a gastrointenstinal hormone that helps suppress your appetite.
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Get your fix by eating spaghetti with pesto, red potatoes and green beans.


Eating grapefruit before their meals helped dieters lose up to 4.5kg in 12 weeks in research at Scripps Clinic, San Diego. A compound in the fruit lowers insulin, controlling your hunger.
lamb and sweetfire beetroot burgers

Cayenne pepper

The capsaicin in chilli peppers can help manage appetite and burn more calories after your meal, say researchers at Purdue University, US.
Servings per week: half tsp x 3

Try your cayenne in these homemade falafel pittas.

Coconut oil

A study in the Journal of Nutrition found regular consumption resulted in a rise in metabolism, a higher rate of calorie-burning, plus reduced fat mass and overall bodyweight.
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Have that Sunday roast. Lamb packs carnitine – a mix of amino acids that shuttles fat into the mitochondria (the cells’ power-producers), where it’s metabolised, explains Price.
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Give your lamb a twist by making lamb and sweetfire beetroot burgers or foods to boost your bone health.

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