3 tips to make chilli more nutritious

The best protein powders for runners.

There's nothing like a pot of chilli con carne to warm you up. Here's how to get cosy and well nourished while you're at it...

1. ‘Use brown rice as it retains many of the vitamins, minerals and proteins stripped from white rice,’ says nutritionist Rachel Love. It’s rich in magnesium and iron – needed to keep energy levels high – and Harvard scientists also found that two servings of brown rice a week cuts your risk of type 2 diabetes by 10 per cent.

2. Boost the performance-enhancing qualities of this favourite by switching beef for turkey mince, says Love. Turkey contains more muscle-building protein than beef – and less unhealthy saturated fat – along with highly absorbable iron, which helps deliver oxygen to your muscles for endurance. ‘It’s also a good source of tryptophan – the precursor to melatonin, the hormone responsible for a healthy sleep-wake cycle, promoting recovery,’ says Love. Brown in a pan with onions and garlic – a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant combo, says Love. Drain off excess fat.

3. ‘Add a tin of chopped tomatoes, plus peppers and kidney beans,’ says Love. ‘This ensures a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals.’ Add mixed herbs, a teaspoon of chilli powder, half a teaspoon of cumin, and half a teaspoon of turmeric, which contains curcumin – found to have anti-inflammatory properties.’ Season and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

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