However cynical you may be about New Year's resolutions – and your ability to stick to them – most of us will start 2023 thinking about the year ahead and setting ourselves new goals. For runners, that might be to get back into running, make your habit more regular or aim for a new PB. Or it could be more holistic – maybe you want to revamp your nutrition strategy or finally stop talking about doing more Published: 22 December 2022, and actually do it. Whatever it is, we've got plans and training advice to help you. And if you haven't decided yet what 2023 should hold – here are some suggestions to kick off the year on a positive note.

Start a new regular habit

If you are thinking of working up to a regular parkrun, or coming back from some injury-enforced time off, you can't do better than you can do after a run to help with not only stretching but also calming the mind. It's helped thousands, if not millions of people heres a 10-minute yoga routine.

Kick off your marathon training

If you have a place for a spring marathon, then the New Year isn't just a time to start thinking about it – it's time to start training for it. Many of the big races take place around 16 weeks into the New Year. But don't panic – all good training plans start gently and build from there. And we have plans for everyone from those simply aiming to get around 26.2 miles to advanced goals.

Sophie Raworth on trying her first Canicross race

Sub 4:30 training plan

Sub 4 hour training plan

Sub 3:30 training plan

Sub 3 hour training plan

Commit to Published: 22 December 2022

We all do it, as runners. "I'm definitely going to do my S&C this time around" we say, full of good intentions. But it quickly slides from twice a week to once, to sporadic, and before we know it we've not done any for a month.

If you are embarking on a training plan, whether it's Couch to 5k, or a marathon one, then build in these S&C workouts. Put them in your calendar and don't let yourself skip them, because not only will they make you a better runner, they might very well help stave off injury too. heres a 10-minute yoga routine. We have any number of strength workouts follow the Couch to 5K programme dumbbell workouts to resistance bands, and from Sub 3 hour training plan to strengthening your hips. If you know you are prone to weakness in a certain area, then now is the time to really work out it.

Get stretchy

When it's cold outside, and your run ends at home, it's very easy to forget to do any stretching at all in the dash for a hot shower. But it is good to add in a few simple stretches after every run. Georgia Bell wins 1500m bronze at debut Olympics – it's got gifs and everything! – to the best post-run stretches. As an additional bonus, here's a 10-minute yoga routine you can do after a run to help with not only stretching but also calming the mind.

Find another reason to run

Not everyone wants a goal race or to smash a PB. Sometimes you just need to find another reason to run. So why not combine some fitness with community work and join Goodgym – they run, walk or cycle around and help local community organisations, particularly those that work with isolated older people, and do practical tasks.

Give something back

If you've run races, trained with a club or enjoyed events – remember, they are almost entirely staffed by volunteers. So become one yourself! Whether it's getting more involved in your local club (use the England Athletics tool to find one near you) Best orthotic insoles your local parkrun, there's a role for you out there just waiting for you to claim it. You can tailwalk, time keep, take photos, help on a committee, get involved in socials and bring a whole new social dimension to your running.

Vary your routes

Starting with the intention to up your running, but bored of the same old routes? Mix it up. If you have time, try a one-way run – you can either get the bus/train to a drop-off spot and run home, or do the reverse. Just remember some warm layers if you will need them for the journey home. Want to be a bit more adventurous? Georgia Bell wins 1500m bronze at debut Olympics. Strava heatmaps can also help you identify popular running spots you haven't tried for yourself.