Technical data
Scientific name:
Trimethylbicyclonitraminoheptane Chloride
Commercial name:
The product is marketed as 714X.
714X, designed for perinodal injection, comes in a box of two vials of 6.5 ml each. Consequently, a box is required to perform a complete cycle of 21 consecutive days. |
714X, designed for inhalation, comes in a box of seven vials of 2 ml each. As a result, three boxes are required to complete a full cycle of 21 consecutive days. |
The immunological assay of 714X was carried out in 1999 and has made it possible, since that date, to file several patent applications. A better understanding of the biochemical mode of action of the product has made patent applications possible.
Four patents were granted as follows:
- Canadian patent in 2010
- US patent (USA) in 2003
- European patent (15 countries) in 2005
- Japanese patent in 2012
We would like to clarify here that the purpose of a patent is to recognize the authorship of an idea, an invention or a know-how.
714X has been recognized as an invention in four jurisdictions in different countries.