The physical aspect
The human body is made up of several interconnected physiological systems to ensure growth, reproduction, repair and adaptation functions. Each physical body is animated by a vital force, commonly called energy, which allows it to constantly adapt to the environment in which it evolves. The body is directly influenced by the physical environment, thoughts, and emotions via neurotransmitters that alter its internal biochemistry.
The emotional aspect
In addition to being sensitive to the physical environment in which he or she evolves, the individual is impacted by relational dynamics. Depending on the biological specificity of each person, the range of emotions can harmonize or unbalance the biochemical reactions of the body. This understanding of the physical-emotional axis of the human being is confirmed by the science of psycho-neuro-immunology.
The intellectual aspect
From birth, every human being is endowed with his or her unique intellectual potential and through his or her environment, he or she acquires knowledge, beliefs and values transmitted by his or her family. Later, there are educational and socio-cultural influences. This constitutes the social conditioning of the individual and directly influences his thoughts, choices and behaviors.
The spiritual aspect
The spiritual aspect of a person is what gives meaning to their life and allows them to access a broader understanding of life, beyond the tangible and measurable elements of existence. The spiritual and/or religious aspect of each person takes its essence from his or her personal values and beliefs. The intellectual-spiritual axis of the human being constitutes the foundation of the moral and ethical sense of this person.
In summary, the harmonization of these four aspects of the human being (physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual)
conditions the overall state of health of an individual.